Success Stories
What People Are Saying
People just like you are using DermMatch all over the world. They are some of the most excited people on Earth. Over the last 18 years we’ve gotten some amazing comments. Here are just a few…
The Customers
“I find it difficult to express how much DermMatch has improved my life.
Before finding DermMatch, I tried several things, including the spray-on “head paint,” and the powdered stuff, which is actually wool. (I found out when my head itched terribly.) None of these were satisfactory. Then I wore wigs and falls, which were hot, and so heavy that they gave me headaches.
I had a low grade temp when I was seven that lasted for 2 1/2 months. My mom was sick so I had to do my own hair, and because it was long, thick, and curly, I learned that it was easiest to maintain in a pony tail, 24/7. When I got well, my mom took me for my quarterly trimming; the hairdresser took out the rubber band and started screaming. “What has happened to this child’s hair?” she shouted, and promptly cut my hair off in a “Buster Brown.” I cried all the way home.
So I’ve struggled with thin hair all my life, but it has gotten worse and worse as I’ve gotten older (I’m now 60). I would be in a wig every day, miserable with the heat and feeling like a fake, if it weren’t for Dermatch. What would my new husband think when I took off my hair each night? (Along with my glass eye, wooden leg, and padded bra….) Most people think my hair is very thick, but it’s all due to DermMatch. Thanks so much for the ability to go out every day and feel “normal”, attractive, and free to forget about my appearance and to focus my thinking on the other people I contact and their lives. In other words, to forget about me!”
Dr Divya
(Divya won our Photo Contest! Congrats Divya, you’re radiant.)