About Hair Loss
Helpful Articles Regarding Hair Loss
What Causes Hair Loss?
Your hair follicles aren’t blocked, malnourished or suffering from poor circulation. They’re dying from DHT. This is what causes hair loss in both men and women. So what is DHT?
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is a rare type of hair loss that affects children and adults. It can appear on the side or back of the head. It can progress to total baldness. Hair fibers and spray concealers are useless here. DermMatch is the only hair loss concealer that accommodates all the conditions of alopecia areata.
Thinning Hair
Hair loss concealers make thinning hair disappear instantly. The problem is, hair fibers and spray concealers don’t stay on very well and they can look unnatural. DermMatch looks better, stays on better, applies neater and costs less to use. It’s guaranteed to outperform all other hair loss concealers for thinning hair.
Female Hair Loss
Women have discovered the magic of hair loss concealers. They are fast, easy and safe. They make female hair loss disappear instantly along with all the suffering. See why women choose DermMatch to conceal female hair loss instead of hair fibers, sprays or any other hair loss concealer.
Hair Loss Scams
On July 7, 1989 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its ban on fraudulent hair growth products. This ban is in effect today, yet fraudulent hair growth products are everywhere. Save your money.
FDA Approved Hair Growth Drugs
The FDA is there to protect you. Anyone can make claims but FDA approval requires hard proof to back up claims. Extensive clinical trials are the minimum requirement. To date the FDA has only approved two hair growth drugs.
Hair Restoration Sergery
In the last 10 years, tremendous advancements have been made in hair restoration surgery (hair transplants). If you can afford it, surgery today can give you a naturally growing head of hair. It can even repair bad transplants.
Hair Loss Concealers
The world is overflowing with hair fibers and sprays. There are so many brands, you can’t tell one from the other. DermMatch is completely different from hair fibers, sprays and all other hair loss concealers. It looks better, stays on better, applies neater and costs less to use.
Hair Fibers vs DermMatch
Hair fibers are the most common type of hair loss concealer. They’re everywhere. DermMatch outperforms hair fibers in four very important ways. DermMatch looks better, stays on better, applies neater and costs you less to use.
Spray On Hair vs DermMatch
f you’re thinking about using Spray On Hair, read this first. There’s a very good reason that so many people have switched to DermMatch Topical Shading.
Thickening Spray vs DermMatch
If you’re thinking about buying Thickening Spray, read this first. There’s a very good reason so many people have switched from Thickening Spray to DermMatch Topical Shading.
Bald Spot Spray vs DermMatch
If you are considering using bald spot spray, read this first. There’s a very good reason that so many people have switched from bald spot spray to DermMatch Topical Shading.
Spray Hair Loss Concealers vs DermMatch
Spray hair loss concealers have been around for decades. Even though there are many different brands, they’re all very much the same. DermMatch outperforms all spray hair loss concealers. DermMatch looks better, stays on better, applies neater and costs you less to use.